Sunday 6 May 2018

Improving unit tests with equivalence instead of equality for URLs

Like any good developer I try to ensure that my code is not just covered with unit tests, but that they are meaningful. However I often find that my tests would break because they made too many assumptions about the implementation of the code it was testing. In this post I'm going to be using the example of testing URLs, but this approach can be taken more generally. When working with web services I often find myself writing code that takes an model object and produces a URL request. So naturally I'll write unit tests for this conversion and typically I would have written something like below, were for a given input I check the output URL is equal to what I expect.

For simple cases this works fine, but as things get more complex I would find my tests would become very fragile because the order of the query items could change. This might be because I had used a Dictionary or a Set were the order of the elements is not guaranteed. Indeed even in the simple case above my test makes implicit assumptions about the implementation. The is no reason for firstname to be the first item in the query string, the URL would still be perfectly valid if the order of the items were rearranged or indeed if any of the characters in the URL were percent encoded. My unit test is highly coupled to the specific implementation of my function. Now in this trivial example that may not matter too much, however as things get more complex this coupling leads to unit tests that are brittle. At the root of this brittleness is the equality assertion. When an object (such as a URL) can have multiple alternative but equivalent forms then using equality leads to implementation coupling.

Escaping the tyranny of exact equality

To break this coupling, I've used the concept of Equivalence that will test if two objects are alternative forms of each other. I've created a protocol Equivalent that is modelled after the Equatable protocol in the standard library. Using the triple-bar operator (≡) as the equivalent-to operator. With this we can have types conform to the Equivalent protocol were they have alternative forms.

Equivalence for URLs

Now that we have the Equivalent protocol we apply it to URL. In the below code I use the URLComponents class to do much of the heavy lifting. This implementation will account for the following alternative forms:-

  • Query item order independence.
  • Percent encoding alternative forms.
  • Default port numbers.
  • Relative paths.

Writing equivalent unit tests

For consistency with the rest of the unit tests I wrote a function XCTAssertEquivalent similar to XCTAssertEqual, as it's name implies it uses equivalence rather than equality (see the attached playground for the code). The original unit test changes to the following.

Not much has change with the code of the test, however now the test is far more flexible on testing the output of the function and therefore less coupled to the implementation.

Playground file available here.

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